Page name: The Creature Within [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-08-12 14:55:52
Last author: Neurotic Obsession
Owner: fu**(fuse)
# of watchers: 4
D20: 2
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"Wake Up.."

" Yeah You.."

You open your eyes, rubbing at them. You thought you heard a voice, telling you to waken. "Hm?" You groan, just waking up. Suddenly you jump, not knowing where you are...
" Hello.."

...Says a loud echoing voice. You look around to see where it came from, but you see no one.
"Over Here.."

Echos the voice again, you turn, spotting a odd shaped stone.."Who's there? Show yourself.." You call out, a bit frightened.

"Ah..but I'm right in front of you.. I'm the egg before you. And I am yours..."

Says the odd colored egg.. You look around, searching for someone as if this was all just a joke.. suddenly, the 'egg' start to hatch..

"You're in a different age of time now, so you'll need a weapon.
The date is 1842. We need you, along with several others, this time is in trouble. You need to save it, and I, your creature, is your guide."

You suddenly spot a crate of weapons in the corner of the room..

"Choose your weapon carefully. It'll help you on your way..
Good Luck."

Hello. And Welcome To The Creature Within. Alright, you wake up in a odd place and some odd egg starts speaking to you.. Now It's hatching?!?! Yeah, well what do you do?

In essence this rpg's plot unfolds as you go along with whatever story idea you decide to bring in so have fun ^^

The Creature Within Rules Please read this before starting!
The Creature Within Characters Put your information here and in this order:


Weapon choice:
Creature's Name:
[pic is optional]

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2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius looks at the egg in disbelief as it's shells cracks open and out emerges the ugliest creature he ever seen. He kneels down and takes his sword out of his cane, prepared to kill it when it looks up at him and lets out a horrifying scream, tentacles open. Darius backs up, looking at it in horror. The creature squirms toward him and crawls up his body before making a cooing noise and resting on him. Darius stays completely still, scared of what would happen if he moved.

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: *in the next room* Bekah staires at the light blue egg, in awe as it started to hatch. Suddenly a white baby dragon breakes from the shell. "Awww!" Bekah cooed, reaching out and touching it's white scaley head. It felt smooth to the touch. "What shall I name you..?" she asked, it picking it up and checking if it was a male or female. Female. "My Name Is Rose" said a voice...

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Meanwhile, Darius has managed to get to his feet without waking the creature. He makes his way to the only door he can see and steps out into a hallway, the creature in his arms. He looks down at it, "Seems to think I'm it's mother" he mutters. "I guess I should name you.." The creature makes a cooing noise as it's mouth opens and sharp beaks and tentacles appear. "Ugly, that's your name."

2009-08-10 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah looked down at the small dragon, "what?!" "Rose. My name Is Rose. Oh, and only you can hear me.. it's kinda a dragon thing.." said Rose, looking up at Bekah with her light blue eyes. "Oh. Alright." said Bekah with a smile, "Are you hungry?" she asked. Rose nodded and crawled up onto Bekah's shoulder, "Look over there, in that box. You're in a different age of time now, so you'll need a weapon. The date is 1842." "What? How?" asked bekah, confused, heading over to the box of many weapons, choosing a pair of Tiger Claws and slipping them on. "I brought you here Bekah. We need you, along with several others, this time is in trouble. You need to save it, and I'm your guide. Yes I'll grow bigger so you may ride me, but thats not until you master your weapon.."

2009-08-10 [Neurotic Obsession]: Darius begins looking in other rooms, they all look the same, someone lying down and an unhatched egg. "What is this place?" He says. Suddenly he speaks in an odd voice, "More like when and where are you?" He drops the creature and clasps his hands over his mouth, "What the hell was that?!" he shouts and looks at the creature looking at him. "That was me." He says in an odd voice. "STOP IT!" Darius yells. "I'm going crazy, I just know it!" He opens another door and sees a young lady there with a dragon.

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